上年12月頭, 家裡突然收到一個外國寄來的包裹, 是從switzerland寄黎架! 第一次直接接受外國品牌既試用邀請!
A surprised parcel from Switzerland was received in early December. This is the first time that I received trial invitation from an overseas’ brand.
打開packing, 有一張親手由Marketing Dahlia寫既咭, 好窩心. 而試用既產品係一支可以噴既精華素黎架! 精華素仲要係我最愛既紫色, 立即印象分增加!
Upon opening up the packing, a nice card hand-written by Dahlia of the marketing team was found inside the package.
The trial sample is a spray bottle of serum-mist. The color is my favorite purple. Bonus marks given to that.
試用既係Swissline Cell Shock Cellular Vital Essence, 將會於2012年2月推出市面.
The trial product of Swissline Cell Shock Cellular Vital Essence will be launched in Feb, 2012.
Cell Shock系列已經推出超過15年啦, 主要針對細胞衰老既問題. 而新產品特別為增強肌膚的能量而研製, 能有助改善肌膚的亮澤感, 以及促進細胞對抗造成衰老的紫外線的能力.
The collection of Cell Shock has been launched for over 15 years. The main focus is on anti-aging cellular skincare products. The new product is designed to be used as an energy booster, while improving the skin’s radiance and stimulating cellular defenses against the UV-induced aging.
包裝內附有多國語言的說明書, 有中文的呀!
The instruction sheet inside the packaging is multi-lingual, and includes Chinese as well!
Swissline獨有Cellactel 2 Complex 第二代專利活細胞緊緻複合元素, 能幫助皮膚細胞更有效呼吸, 保存能量及促進新陳代謝.
The powerful Cellactel 2 complex, exclusive to Swiss line products, helps the skin cells breathe, preserve energy and metabolize more effectively.
而另一個有效成份係Vital-Cell Complex, 佢係由已存活超過38億年既藍微藻構成, 藍微藻有助增加大氣中既氧氣分子, 而其成分”硫氧還蛋白” 可以促進細胞的再生及修毬能力, 以及為粒線體膜提供保護以對抗氧化及細胞淍亡, 從而延緩肌膚衰老. 而且佢仲可以增強肌膚固有的防禦能力, 以對抗每天接觸的紫外線對DNA的傷害.
Another powerful complex, Vital-Cell Complex, is comprised of blue microalgae that first appeared approximately 3.8 billion years ago and contributed to the build up of molecular oxygen in the atmosphere. The ingredient, thioredoxins, are proteins that delay skin senescence by stimulating cell renewal and repair, while also providing protection against the oxidation of mitochondrial membranes and cell apoptosis. Additionally, they reinforce the skin's internal defenses against DNA-induced damage by daily UV light exposure.
佢仲包含左Sea Water Concentrate及Botanical Waters Concentrate, 包括礦物質, 菩薩花純水, 蘆薈葉精華等等成份, 有鎮靜, 舒緩,亮澤, 補濕, 激活皮膚及等功效!
It also contains Sea Water Concentrate and Botanical Waters Concentrate, comprised of minerals, linden flowers water and aloe vera leaf juice. They calm and refresh the skin. Linden flowers soothes and brighten the skin while the aloe vera leaf juice moisturizes and regenerate the skin.
噴一下, 份量已可以均勻地覆蓋整個手背(還滴出來呢), 很強勁有力的噴霧!
Just one spray has already got enough mist to over the whole back of the palm. The spray is very strong.
香味十分的濃郁! 不過很快就散了! 吸收得幾快, 手背即時見到滑溜感.
The scent is quite strong at the beginning but it gets milder very soon.
The mist is absorbed into the skin quickly and it feels very smooth afterwards.
噴在面上, 大約一邊面噴一下, 共四下就ok了! 我會再用手輕拍及輕按幫助吸收.
About four sprays are enough to cover the whole face. I slightly pat on the face to help the absorption.
收到包裹已經開始使用了, 已經一個半月啦! 12月尾的大婚到1月份的冬季歐遊, 皮膚狀態感覺極佳!
It was already one and a half months after I had started to use it upon receiving the trial sample.
From my end-Dec wedding to the European trip in January, my skin felt really great.
大婚當日整天也只補了一次粉, 歐州嚴寒天氣也沒有乾燥的情況!
I just had touch-up for once during the wedding. Even during the winter days in Europe, my skin didn’t feel dry at all.
Here’s a photo that I have taken in Venice.
暫未知道在香港的售價, 不過Swissline的產品可以在卓悅找到!
The selling price in HK is still unknown but Swissline products can be found in Bonjour stores.